Hi:-) I’m Gretchen
Currently inspired by Stella Murphy, Irving Penn, Szilveszter Makó, & Tibor Kalman
I am a visual designer who recently graduated from Carnegie Mellon’s School of Design with a major in Communication Design. My work spans from brand identity, visual systems, creative direction, & design research, utilizing my illustration, animation, hand drawn type, and photography.
I am passionate about building creative expressions that tell stories, bring delight, inspire connection. In particular, I am interested in the role food plays in our lives as a powerful vehicle for developing community and providing joy. Through my work, I love introducing people and their taste buds to new experiences and delving deeper into our emotional connections to food.
I find inspiration in all things odd, flavors, and the often overlooked and believe in embracing the everyday through humor and openheartedness.
You can probably find me vintage shopping, admiring restaurants’ dinnerware, with a camera in hand, and eating bowls and bowls of fruit. 🥭